The Facial Maestro's 'Ten Commandments of Skin Care'

  1. Cleansing is one of the most important things you can do for skin care – aside from Sun Protection.

  2. Always wear Sun Protection – every single day! Ask me about my favourite two clinical studies: Harvard and Duke University.

  3. Have you met HA? Serum equals “serious”...

  4. Exfoliate – regularly – and in other ways!

  5. Always invest in a separate night-time treatment. There really is a difference between day and night. Sunrise and Sunset. Your skin truly knows it and responds to it.

  6. Never use your face moisturiser on your eyes! Also, you must stop applying eye products in the way you have been told! It actually ages the skin! The 'Glide and Flick" is coming! It will change your life, and how you age!

  1. Never, ever put your face under the shower! Plain and simple.

  2. Toner is important!

  3. Wear your Antioxidants. Know what your topical vitamins really do! The diet is not always the answer!

  4. Treat your skin with respect – it truly has a memory, and forgives very little.